We managed to find out from one of our followers contact information for a preservation group, after contacting them we received this response:
Dear Preservationist:
Thank you for contacting the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Please accept my apologies for this late response. We receive a high volume of information requests, and we are just able to respond to you now.
Because we receive such a high volume of information requests, we have developed a standard reply and information sheet to help answer your questions. While not all of the information below will be relevant, much of the information in this reply will get you started on saving this historic hotel.
If you haven’t already, your first step is to contact New York’s State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and Statewide Preservation Partner to alert them to the threat to this historic property and to find out what assistance is available at the state and local level to preserve the site. Please use this link to find the contact information for the SHPO and Statewide organization in New York: http://www.preservationnation.org/contacts/.
The National Trust’s Preservation Books offers several publications which will be helpful to you, including “Buying Time for Heritage: How to Save an Endangered Historic Property,” “Rescuing Historic Resources: How to Respond to a Preservation Emergency” and “Threatened Treasures: Creating Lists of Endangered Sites.” In addition, there are publications specific to saving historic schools, railroad depots, barns, religious properties, bridges, and theaters. We also offer publications which will help you make the case for the economic benefit of preservation, including our “Dollars & Sense” reports on the economic and fiscal impacts of historic preservation in states such as Virginia, and in communities such as Galveston, Denver, Knoxville, and Philadelphia. Please use this link http://www.preservationbooks.org/ to access our Preservation Books.
For more help with making your case in favor of preservation, please visit the advocacy section of our website using this link: http://www.preservationnation.org/resources/public-policy/center-for-state-local-policy/.
Please visit our website at this link, http://www.preservationnation.org/resources/faq/historic-buildings/, for Frequently Asked Questions on the topic of “How to Preserve a Historic Building.” This information offers a comprehensive guide to preserving a historic property, and it includes a list of helpful preservation resources. It also includes information on listing historic sites on the National Register of Historic Places.
You might consider nominating this site to the National Trust’s annual list of America’s 11 Most Endangered Historic Places. For more information, link here: http://www.preservationnation.org/issues/11-most-endangered/. In addition, many statewide and local preservation groups also put together annual endangered lists. Check with your state and local organizations to see how to nominate this site to their lists; for their contact information, see the link above.
Your question may have involved listing an historic building on the National Register, finding out if it is on the National Register, or information on the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. You can find this information at the following websites: http://www.nps.gov/nr/ and http://www.nps.gov/history/hps/tps/standards_guidelines.htm or by calling your SHPO. You should always contact your SHPO before you begin the National Register nomination process.
After you have read this information and have contacted your SHPO and Statewide organization, you might want to follow up with the National Trust’s Northeast Regional Office, which handles New York. Please use this link for the contact information for that office: http://www.preservationnation.org/about-us/regional-offices/. When you follow up with our Regional Office staff, please make sure you include any information that you have obtained about the status of the site from the city, SHPO and statewide organizations.
I’m not sure if you are already a member of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. If you are, let me take this opportunity to thank you for your support. If you aren’t, I hope you will consider joining. Members of the National Trust receive our award-winning magazinePreservation. In addition, members receive free or discounted admission to our historic house museums in the United States. With your dues, you will participate in a nationwide undertaking to save the best of America's past. To see preservation work the National Trust is undertaking in your state, please link here to read your regional office's newsletter: http://www.preservationnation.org/about-us/regional-offices/. Please visit https://secure2.convio.net/nthp/site/Donation2?df_id=5220&5220.donation=form1 to join the National Trust.
Thank you for your interest in preservation!
Lee Lampos
Lee David Lampos Program Assistant, Information Center, Membership Development
National Trust for Historic Preservation 1785 Massachusetts Avenue, NW,Washington DC 20036
Phone: 202.588.6131 Fax: 202.588.6085 Email: lee_lampos@nthp.org www.PreservationNation.org
The National Trust for Historic Preservation helps people protect, enhance, and enjoy the places that matter to them. Become our newest member today! Learn more at www.PreservationNation.org