Thursday, March 25, 2010
Request for Evaluation
I sent out a Request for Evaluation form pertaining to the Cafe Rouge. If the building itself can't be saved, maybe the Cafe Rouge can.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
List of Subsidiarys owned by Vorndao.
14 West 64th Street Corp. New York 150 East 58th Street L.L.C. New York 1740 Broadway Associates L.P. Delaware 20 Broad Lender L.L.C. New York 201 East 66th Street Corp. New York 201 East 66th Street L.L.C. New York 314 West 40th Street L.L.C. New York 330 Madison Company L.L.C. New York 350 North Orleans L.L.C. Delaware 40 East 14 Realty Associates L.L.C. New York 40 Fulton Street L.L.C. New York 401 Commercial Son, L.L.C. Delaware 401 Commercial, L.P. Delaware 401 General Partner, L.L.C. Delaware 401 Hotel General Partner, L.L.C. Delaware 401 Hotel, L.P. Delaware 527 West Kinzie L.L.C. Delaware 570 Lexington Associates, L.P. New York 570 Lexington Company, L.P. New York 689 5th Avenue L.L.C. Delaware 770 Broadway Company L.L.C. New York 825 Seventh Avenue Holding L.L.C. New York 866 U.N. Plaza Associates L.L.C. New York 888 Seventh Avenue L.L.C. New York 909 Third Avenue Assignee L.L.C. New York AmeriCold Corporation Oregon AmeriCold Logistics II L.L.C. Delaware AmeriCold Logistics L.L.C Delaware AmeriCold Real Estate, L.P. Delaware AmeriCold Realty, Inc. Delaware Americold Services Corporation Delaware Amherst Holding L.L.C. New York Amherst Industries L.L.C. New York Arbor Property, L.P. Delaware Atlanta Parent, Inc. Delaware Atlantic City Holding L.L.C. New Jersey B&B Park Avenue L.P. Delaware BBE GP Corporation Delaware Bensalem Holding Company L.L.C. Pennsylvania Bensalem Holding Company L.P. Pennsylvania Bethlehem Holding Company L.L.C. Pennsylvania Bethlehem Holding Company L.P. Pennsylvania Bethlehem Properties Holding Company L.L.C. Pennsylvania Bethlehem Properties Holding Company L.P. Pennsylvania
Bordentown Holding L.L.C. New Jersey
Brentwood Development L.L.C. New York Bridgeland Warehouses L.L.C. New Jersey Camden Holding L.L.C. New Jersey Carmar Freezers Russellville, L.L.C. Missouri Carmar Group, Inc. Missouri Carmar Industries, L.L.C. Missouri Charles E. Smith Commercial Realty L.P. Delaware Chicopee Holding L.L.C. Massachusetts Clementon Holding L.L.C. New Jersey Cumberland Holding L.L.C. New Jersey Darby Development Corp. Florida Delran Holding L.L.C. New Jersey Design Center Owner (D.C.) L.L.C. Delaware Dover Holding L.L.C. New Jersey DSAC L.L.C. Texas DUN L.L.C. Maryland Durham Leasing L.L.C. New Jersey EH L.L.C. Maryland Eleven Penn Plaza L.L.C. New York Evesham Holding L.L.C. New Jersey Gallery Market Holding Company L.L.C. Pennsylvania Gallery Market Holding Company L.P. Pennsylvania Gallery Market Properties Holding Company L.L.C. Pennsylvania Gallery Market Properties Holding Company L.P. Pennsylvania GBSPI L.L.C. Maryland Graybar Building L.L.C. New York Green Acres Mall, L.L.C. Delaware Hackbridge L.L.C. New Jersey Hanover Conran's Plaza L.L.C. New Jersey Hanover Holding L.L.C. New Jersey Hanover Industries L.L.C. New Jersey Hanover Leasing L.L.C. New Jersey Hanover Public Warehousing L.L.C. New Jersey Henrietta Holding L.L.C. New York HHC L.L.C. Maryland Jersey City Leasing L.L.C. New Jersey Kearny Holding L.L.C. New Jersey Kearny Leasing L.L.C. New Jersey Lancaster Leasing Company L.L.C. Pennsylvania Lancaster Leasing Company L.P. Pennsylvania Landthorp Enterprises L.L.C. Delaware Lawnside Holding L.L.C. New Jersey Lawnwhite Holding L.L.C. New Jersey Lewisville Centre L.P. Texas Lewisville TC L.L.C. Texas Littleton Holding L.L.C. New Jersey Lodi Industries L.L.C. New Jersey Lodi Leasing L.L.C. New Jersey M 330 Associates, L.P. New York M 393 Associates L.L.C. New York Manalapan Industries L.L.C. New Jersey Market Square L.L.C. Illinois Marple Holding Company L.L.C. Pennsylvania Marple Holding Company L.P. Pennsylvania Mart Franchise Center, Inc. Delaware Mart Franchise Venture, L.L.C. Delaware
Menands Holding L.L.C. New York Mendik Management Company Inc. New York Merchandise Mart Enterprises, Inc. Delaware Merchandise Mart L.L.C. Delaware Merchandise Mart Properties, Inc. Delaware Merchandise Mart Properties, Inc. (DE) Delaware Mesquite - Texas Crossing L.P. Texas Mesquite TC L.L.C. Texas Middletown Holding L.L.C. New Jersey Montclair Holding L.L.C. New Jersey Morris Plains Leasing L.L.C. New Jersey MRC Management L.L.C. New York National Hydrant L.L.C. New York New Hanover L.L.C. New Jersey New Woodbridge L.L.C. New Jersey Newington Connecticut Holding L.L.C. Connecticut Ninety Park Lender LLC New York Ninety Park Manager LLC New York Ninety Park Option LLC New York Ninety Park Property LLC New York North Bergen Stores L.L.C. New Jersey North Plainfield Holding L.L.C. New Jersey Office Center Owner (D.C.) L.L.C. Delaware One Penn Plaza LLC New York Philadelphia Holding Company L.L.C. Pennsylvania Philadelphia Holding Company L.P. Pennsylvania Phillipsburg Holding L.L.C. New Jersey Pike Holding Company L.L.C. Pennsylvania Pike Holding Company L.P. Pennsylvania Portland Parent, Inc. Delaware Rahway Leasing L.L.C. New Jersey Rochester Holding L.L.C. New York Russia Fund, L.L.C. Delaware Skillman Abrams Crossing L.P. Texas South Capital L.L.C. Delaware Springfield Holding L.L.C. Massachusetts Star Universal L.L.C. New Jersey Stardial GP Corporation Delaware T.G. Hanover L.L.C. New Jersey T53 Condominium L.L.C. New York TGSI L.L.C. Maryland The Second Lawnside L.L.C. New Jersey The Second Rochester Holding L.L.C. New York Turnersville Holding L.L.C. New Jersey Two Guys From Harrison Holding Co. L.P. Pennsylvania Two Guys From Harrison Holding Co. LLC Pennsylvania Two Guys From Harrison L.L.C. New Jersey Two Guys From Harrison N.Y. L.L.C. New York Two Guys Mass. L.L.C. Massachusetts Two Guys-Connecticut Holding L.L.C. Connecticut Two Park Company New York Two Penn Plaza REIT, Inc. New York Unado L.L.C. New Jersey Unifreeze Services Partnership Delaware Upper Moreland Holding Company L.L.C. Pennsylvania Upper Moreland Holding Company L.P. Pennsylvania
URS Logistics, Inc. Delaware URS Real Estate, L.P. Delaware URS Realty, Inc. Delaware VC Carthage, L.L.C. Delaware VC Freezer Amarillo, L.P. Delaware VC Freezer Fremont, L.L.C. Delaware VC Freezer Garden City, L.L.C. Delaware VC Freezer Omaha Amarillo, L.L.C. Delaware VC Freezer Phoenix, L.L.C. Delaware VC Freezer Russelville, L.L.C. Delaware VC Freezer Sioux Falls, L.L.C. Delaware VC Freezer Springdale, L.L.C. Delaware VC Logistics, L.L.C. Delaware VC Missouri Holdings, L.L.C. Delaware VC Missouri Real Estate Holding, L.L.C. Delaware VC Omaha Holdings, L.L.C. Delaware VC Omaha Real Estate Holdings, L.L.C. Delaware VC Omaha Texas, L.L.C. Delaware VC Superior, L.L.C. Delaware VC Texas, L.P. Delaware VFC Connecticut Holding L.L.C. Delaware VFC Massachusetts Holding L.L.C. Delaware VFC New Jersey Holding L.L.C. Delaware VNK Corp Massachusetts Vornado - Westport L.L.C. Connecticut Vornado 1740 Broadway L.L.C. New York Vornado 330 West 34th Street L.L.C. Delaware Vornado 401 Commercial L.L.C. New York Vornado 401 Commercial Son L.L.C. New York Vornado 401 Hotel, Inc. New York Vornado 550/600 Mamoroneck L.P. Delaware Vornado 570 Lexington L.L.C. New York Vornado 63rd Street, Inc. New York Vornado 640 Fifth Avenue L.L.C. New York Vornado 90 Park Avenue L.L.C. New York Vornado B&B L.L.C. New York Vornado CAPI L.L.C. Delaware Vornado Catalinas GP Inc. Delaware Vornado Center Building L.L.C. New York Vornado CESCR II L.L.C. Delaware Vornado CESCR L.L.C. Delaware Vornado Crescent Atlanta Partnership Delaware Vornado Crescent Holding L.P. Delaware Vornado Crescent Logistics Operating Partnership Delaware Vornado Crescent Omaha Partnership Delaware Vornado Crescent Portland Partnership Delaware Vornado Deer Park L.L.C. New York Vornado Finance GP L.L.C. Delaware Vornado Finance L.P. Delaware Vornado Green Acres Acquisition L.L.C. Delaware Vornado Green Acres Delaware L.L.C. Delaware Vornado Green Acres Funding L.L.C. Delaware Vornado Green Acres Holdings L.L.C. Delaware Vornado Investments L.L.C. Delaware Vornado Lending L.L.C. New Jersey Vornado M 330 L.L.C. New York
Vornado M 393 L.L.C. New York Vornado M/H L.L.C. Delaware Vornado Mamaroneck L.L.C. Delaware Vornado Management Corp. New Jersey Vornado Montehiedra Acquisition L.L.C. Delaware Vornado Montehiedra Acquisition L.P. Delaware Vornado Montehiedra Holding II L.P. Delaware Vornado Montehiedra Holding L.L.C. Delaware Vornado Montehiedra Holding L.P. Delaware Vornado Montehiedra Inc. Delaware Vornado Montehiedra OP L.L.C. Delaware Vornado Montehiedra OP L.P. Delaware Vornado New York RR One L.L.C. New York Vornado Newkirk L.L.C. Massachusetts Vornado NK Loan L.L.C. Massachusetts Vornado Omaha Holdings, Inc. Delaware Vornado Realty L.L.C. Delaware Vornado RR Midtown L.L.C. New York Vornado Two Park Holdings L.L.C. Delaware Vornado Two Penn Plaza L.L.C. New York Vornado/Team Room L.L.C. New York VR Retail Holdings LLC New York VRT Massachusetts Holding L.L.C. Delaware VRT New Jersey Holding L.L.C. Delaware Washington Design Center L.L.C. Delaware Washington Office Center L.L.C. Delaware Watchung Holding L.L.C. New Jersey West Windsor Holding L.L.C. New Jersey Whitehorse Lawnside L.L.C. New Jersey York Holding Company L.L.C. Pennsylvania York Holding Company L.P. Pennsylvania
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
ULURP Review Process
Below is the step needed for Vornado to rezone and ultimately demolish the hotel. Since this now goes before the CB5, we are at step 3.
ULURP Review Process
Filing of Application. An applicant must file a standardized Land Use Review Application and all required accompanying documentation with the Department of City Planning (DCP). Copies of all applications and accompanying material are sent to the affected Borough President, Community Board and the City Council within five business days of receipt. If the application involves land in more than one community district it is also sent to the appropriate borough board. The Borough Board is comprised of the Borough President, all Community Board chairs and City Council members within the affected borough.
Certification. DCP is responsible for certifying that the application is complete, and ready for public review through the ULURP process.
An application cannot be certified until DCP determines that the application includes all forms, plans and supporting documents that are necessary to address all issues related to the application. If the particular application is subject to environmental review, a negative declaration or a conditional negative declaration or a notice of completion of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement must be issued before an application can be certified. There is no mandated time by which this pre-certification review must be completed. The Charter permits applicants or the affected Borough President to appeal to CPC for certification after six months from the date of application submission.
Certified applications are sent within nine days to the affected Community Board, Borough President and the City Council and if appropriate, to the Borough Board.
Community Board Review. Within sixty (60) days of receiving the certified application, the Community Board is required to hold a public hearing and adopt and submit a written recommendation to CPC, the applicant, the Borough President and when appropriate, the Borough Board. The ULURP rules include provisions relating to the notice and conduct of a Community Board public hearing. ULURP provisions also govern the quorum, vote and content for a Community Board recommendation. If a Community Board fails to act within its time limit or waives its right to act, the application proceeds to the next level of review.
Borough President Review. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of a Community Board recommendation, or if the Community Board fails to act, within thirty (30) days of the expiration of the Community Board's review period, the Borough President shall submit a written recommendation to the City Planning Commission. If an application involves land in more than one community district, the Borough Board may (within the Borough President's review period) also review and submit a recommendation to CPC. If the Borough President fails to act within the time limit, the application proceeds to CPC.
City Planning Commission Review. CPC must hold a public hearing and approve, approve with modifications or disapprove the application within 60 days of the expiration of the Borough President's review period. City Planning Commission hearings are generally held twice a month on Wednesdays in Spector Hall at 22 Reade Street. Adoption of a CPC report approving, modifying or disapproving an application requires an affirmative vote of seven commissioners. If the Borough President has recommended against an application for site selection, disposition of city owned property or acquisition and has recommended an alternative site pursuant to the fair share provisions of the Charter (section 204), then nine affirmative votes are required. CPC then files copies of its decision with the City Council. In most cases, disapproval of an application by CPC is final and terminates ULURP. Disapproved applications for urban renewal plans are subject to Council review. In addition, disapproved applications for special permits, zoning text changes and zoning map changes that the Mayor has certified as necessary are subject to review by the City Council. (Note: No "certificate of necessity" has been issued by any mayor since ULURP went into effect).
City Council Review. The City Council does not automatically review all ULURP actions that are approved by CPC. The Charter requires the Council to review certain actions, some only under special circumstances, and makes provision for the Council to elect to review other actions.
If, during the course of its 50-day review period, the Council decides it wants to approve an application with a modification, it can do so only by referring the proposed modification back to CPC. CPC must then determine if the modification is of such significance that additional environmental review is necessary or that additional review pursuant to ULURP is required. If CPC determines that additional review is needed, the Council may not adopt the modification. If no additional review is needed, the Council can adopt the application with the modification. When the Council proposes a modification, CPC has 15 days to make its determination and during that period the City Council's 50-day clock is stopped.
A City Council action approving, approving with modifications or disapproving most CPC actions, requires a majority vote of the Council. Urban Renewal Plans that have been disapproved by CPC can only be approved by a 3/4 vote of the Council.
If the Council fails to act within its review period, the Council shall be deemed to have approved the decision of the City Planning Commission.
Mayoral Review. Mayoral approval is not required. A decision by the City Council to approve or disapprove a land use application is considered to be final unless the Mayor elects to veto a Council action within 5 days of the vote. The Council, by a 2/3 vote, can override a Mayor's veto of its decision within 10 days of the veto.
Applications approved by CPC that the Council did not assume jurisdiction or act on within its 50 day review can also be vetoed by the Mayor within 5 days of the expired Council time period. The Council , by a 2/3 vote, can override a Mayor's veto of the CPC decision within ten days of the veto.
ULURP graphic:
The ULURP process is graphically shown in a diagram in PDF format (22K).
To view and print the graphic file, you will need the most recent version of the Adobe Acrobat Reader. The pdf file has been optimized for Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.0 to save significantly on file size and download time. Earlier versions of the Reader will not view these files correctly. The Adobe Acrobat Reader is available for free downloading.
ULURP Review Process
Filing of Application. An applicant must file a standardized Land Use Review Application and all required accompanying documentation with the Department of City Planning (DCP). Copies of all applications and accompanying material are sent to the affected Borough President, Community Board and the City Council within five business days of receipt. If the application involves land in more than one community district it is also sent to the appropriate borough board. The Borough Board is comprised of the Borough President, all Community Board chairs and City Council members within the affected borough.
Certification. DCP is responsible for certifying that the application is complete, and ready for public review through the ULURP process.
An application cannot be certified until DCP determines that the application includes all forms, plans and supporting documents that are necessary to address all issues related to the application. If the particular application is subject to environmental review, a negative declaration or a conditional negative declaration or a notice of completion of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement must be issued before an application can be certified. There is no mandated time by which this pre-certification review must be completed. The Charter permits applicants or the affected Borough President to appeal to CPC for certification after six months from the date of application submission.
Certified applications are sent within nine days to the affected Community Board, Borough President and the City Council and if appropriate, to the Borough Board.
Community Board Review. Within sixty (60) days of receiving the certified application, the Community Board is required to hold a public hearing and adopt and submit a written recommendation to CPC, the applicant, the Borough President and when appropriate, the Borough Board. The ULURP rules include provisions relating to the notice and conduct of a Community Board public hearing. ULURP provisions also govern the quorum, vote and content for a Community Board recommendation. If a Community Board fails to act within its time limit or waives its right to act, the application proceeds to the next level of review.
Borough President Review. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of a Community Board recommendation, or if the Community Board fails to act, within thirty (30) days of the expiration of the Community Board's review period, the Borough President shall submit a written recommendation to the City Planning Commission. If an application involves land in more than one community district, the Borough Board may (within the Borough President's review period) also review and submit a recommendation to CPC. If the Borough President fails to act within the time limit, the application proceeds to CPC.
City Planning Commission Review. CPC must hold a public hearing and approve, approve with modifications or disapprove the application within 60 days of the expiration of the Borough President's review period. City Planning Commission hearings are generally held twice a month on Wednesdays in Spector Hall at 22 Reade Street. Adoption of a CPC report approving, modifying or disapproving an application requires an affirmative vote of seven commissioners. If the Borough President has recommended against an application for site selection, disposition of city owned property or acquisition and has recommended an alternative site pursuant to the fair share provisions of the Charter (section 204), then nine affirmative votes are required. CPC then files copies of its decision with the City Council. In most cases, disapproval of an application by CPC is final and terminates ULURP. Disapproved applications for urban renewal plans are subject to Council review. In addition, disapproved applications for special permits, zoning text changes and zoning map changes that the Mayor has certified as necessary are subject to review by the City Council. (Note: No "certificate of necessity" has been issued by any mayor since ULURP went into effect).
City Council Review. The City Council does not automatically review all ULURP actions that are approved by CPC. The Charter requires the Council to review certain actions, some only under special circumstances, and makes provision for the Council to elect to review other actions.
The City Council automatically reviews (Mandatory Review):
- zoning map changes;
- zoning text changes (not subject to ULURP but subject to Charter section 200 and 201);
- housing and urban renewal plans;
- disposition of residential buildings, except to non-profit companies for low-income housing
The Council may elect to review the following by voting to take jurisdiction within 20 days after CPC files its report (Council "call-up"):
- - City Map changes;
- - maps of subdivisions or plattings;
- - zoning special permits;
- - revocable consents, franchise RFP’s, and major concessions;
- - non-City public improvements;
- - sanitary and waterfront landfills;
- - disposition of commercial or vacant property;
- - disposition of residential buildings to nonprofit companies for low-income housing;
- - acquisition of real property; and
- - site selection.
Applications disapproved by the Community Board and Borough President (Triple no):
- An application which is subject to elective review by the Council, will be reviewed if that application was disapproved by the Community Board and Borough President, was approved or approved with modifications by the City Planning Commission, and the Borough President files an objection to CPC approval with the Council and CPC within 5 days of receipt of CPC's approval.
If, during the course of its 50-day review period, the Council decides it wants to approve an application with a modification, it can do so only by referring the proposed modification back to CPC. CPC must then determine if the modification is of such significance that additional environmental review is necessary or that additional review pursuant to ULURP is required. If CPC determines that additional review is needed, the Council may not adopt the modification. If no additional review is needed, the Council can adopt the application with the modification. When the Council proposes a modification, CPC has 15 days to make its determination and during that period the City Council's 50-day clock is stopped.
A City Council action approving, approving with modifications or disapproving most CPC actions, requires a majority vote of the Council. Urban Renewal Plans that have been disapproved by CPC can only be approved by a 3/4 vote of the Council.
If the Council fails to act within its review period, the Council shall be deemed to have approved the decision of the City Planning Commission.
Mayoral Review. Mayoral approval is not required. A decision by the City Council to approve or disapprove a land use application is considered to be final unless the Mayor elects to veto a Council action within 5 days of the vote. The Council, by a 2/3 vote, can override a Mayor's veto of its decision within 10 days of the veto.
Applications approved by CPC that the Council did not assume jurisdiction or act on within its 50 day review can also be vetoed by the Mayor within 5 days of the expired Council time period. The Council , by a 2/3 vote, can override a Mayor's veto of the CPC decision within ten days of the veto.
ULURP graphic:

To view and print the graphic file, you will need the most recent version of the Adobe Acrobat Reader. The pdf file has been optimized for Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.0 to save significantly on file size and download time. Earlier versions of the Reader will not view these files correctly. The Adobe Acrobat Reader is available for free downloading.
hotel pennsylvania,
CB5 Zoning review
The rezoning review board of CB5 for the Hotel Penn, was rescheduled to the April meeting. There is still time to get your speeches together and tell them what you think.
The meeting of the Land Use & Zoning is scheduled for:
The meeting of the Land Use & Zoning is scheduled for:
April 7, 2010
at 6:00 pm
April 7, 2010
at 6:00 pm
Flatiron BID
27 West 24th
Suite 800
Following that there will be a Full Board meeting to approve or disapprove:
Flatiron BID
27 West 24th
Suite 800
Following that there will be a Full Board meeting to approve or disapprove:
April 15, 2010
at 6:00 pm
April 15, 2010
at 6:00 pm
First Alliance Church
127 West 26th St.
buzzer #3003
First Alliance Church
127 West 26th St.
buzzer #3003
Monday, March 8, 2010
State and National Registers of Historic Places
Thank you for your interest in seeking State and National Registers of Historic Places status for the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City. In 2003 our office determined that the hotel met the criteria for listing to the National Register. If any state or federal funds or permits are being used by the developer in the redevelopment of the property, the state or federal agency involved with the project must consult with our agency. As far as listing is concerned, a building cannot be listed to the National Register if the owner does not support the nomination.
Kathleen A. Howe
Historic Preservation Program Analyst
P.O. Box 189
Peebles Island
Waterford, NY 12188
518-237-8643, extension 3266
Kathleen A. Howe
Historic Preservation Program Analyst
P.O. Box 189
Peebles Island
Waterford, NY 12188
518-237-8643, extension 3266
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